Craigieburn Animal Hospital

9 Craigieburn Road
Craigieburn, VA 3064

(03) 9305-5855

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The Wild, the Weird, and the Wacky: Unfamiliar Species

After spending 12 hours on a strange Sunday on emergency call, going back and forth all day between two locations to treat two horses who decided to live, I beg ...

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No Guarantees

Medicine is a strange service. When I pay for a coffee, I feel entitled to a reasonable certainty that I will be provided with coffee – not tea, not water, and ...

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Parrot Nutrition

Long gone are the days when it was considered appropriate to feed pet parrots nothing but seeds and human food. Seeds are essentially junk food for birds. They ...

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Air Travel with Your Pets

Summer and holiday seasons turn into USDA health certificate seasons at animal hospitals nationwide. If you are planning air travel with your pet, here are some ...

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Canine influenza expert calls for better border protection

As the H3N2 strain of canine influenza circulates beyond Chicago, Illinois and spreads to other Midwestern states — Wisconsin and Indiana among them — one exper ...

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Alcohol Poisoning

Dogs and cats can get more than just drunk when they drink ethanol, isopropanol, or methanol -- they can get a trip to the emergency room. Pets can die from ing ...

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